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Manuel Katz, Doctor of Medicine  (MD), Master of Public Health (MPH), Health Management Expert, Pediatric Specialist, former Chairman of the First Global Pediatric Consensus Conference in Paris, President of the International Pediatric Association, current Chairman of the Israeli Pediatric Association, ADHD Management, Diagnosis and Treatment Expert for the U.S. Department of Health, World Health Organization Expert Consultant, and International Medical Advisor for the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA) in China.


Support the establishment and coordination of the Belt and Road Central Asia Medical and Pediatric Alliance within our organization; promote medical science and cooperation between China and Israel, actively participate in and support the editing of the book "International Research on Kawasaki Disease" written by our team, promote our clinical research on Kawasaki disease, and win the second-class Science and Technology Progress Award in Shaanxi Province in 2019.


Since 2016, he has been invited to Shaanxi and visited southern and northern Shaanxi over 10 times, conducting academic seminars, case analyses, outpatient and inpatient ward rounds, and collaborating on the diagnosis and treatment of difficult and complicated cases. He has been invited multiple times to lecture on new medical knowledge at medical forums held in Shaanxi Province, promoting bilateral medical scientific cooperation with Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital and Shenmu City Hospital, enhancing China-Israel cooperation and exchange, and improving the quality and level of medical care.


On November 21, 2018, at the invitation of Manuel Katz, Chairman of the Israeli Global Pediatric and Child Health Consensus Conference, a 12-member delegation from the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association's "China-Israel International Medical Exchange and Study Group" traveled to Tel Aviv and Be'er Sheva, Israel. They visited the local Health Bureau, Western District Community Health Center, and Family Medical Rehabilitation Center for a week of friendly exchanges. The delegation learned about Israel's medical insurance, planned immunization, maternal and child health care, disease rehabilitation, primary health care implementation, and the functional distinctions, rights, and obligations between public and private hospitals. They also learned about the construction of medical, rehabilitation, and vaccination systems and the treatment of primary care doctors. The delegation visited the neonatology department of Mahane HaYeshua Hospital in Tel Aviv, the adolescent psychiatry department, and Israel's largest public-private joint hospital – the Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital at Sheba Medical Center, including outpatient clinics, outpatient operating rooms, general pediatric wards, neonatal wards, ICU wards, and the National Medical Training Center. The delegation had in-depth exchanges with Professor Soekh and Chairman Katz on academic organization construction, hospital development, and new concepts and progress in pediatric medicine. Both sides signed the "China-Israel Pediatric Medical Development Cooperation Agreement," expressing that the medical exchanges between Shaanxi, China, and Tel Aviv, Israel will continue to develop and improve along the "Belt and Road" initiative.


The "China-Israel International Medical Exchange" was warmly welcomed and sincerely received by Chairman Manulekate of the Israeli Global Pediatric and Child Health Consensus Conference, Professor SoeKh, and Mr. Sah. The Chinese Shaanxi expert delegation expressed their gratitude: They are very grateful for the brotherly efforts of Mr. Manulekate, Chairman of the Israeli Global Pediatric and Child Health Consensus Conference, for building the bridge of "China-Israel International Medical Exchange," and they would like to express their appreciation once again for the everlasting deep friendship between the two sides in the field of international medical exchange!


With assistance and coordination, our organization successfully hosted the 5th Global Pediatric Consensus Conference in China for the first time in 2016. The Global Pediatric and Child Health Consensus Conference is an innovative international academic debate conference aimed at promoting and seeking the best global child health care through the establishment of an academic debate platform, and reaching consensus and agreement on child health issues, difficulties, and controversies. The conference lasted for three days, and well-known domestic and international pediatric experts presented a rich academic feast for the attendees through cutting-edge academic lectures and excellent academic debates. Shaanxi Province's successful hosting of this conference had a significant impact both internationally and domestically, propelling the development of Shaanxi's medical industry to a new level and creating a new landscape for international medical exchanges in Shaanxi.


Actively supporting and participating in China's pandemic response efforts, Dr. Manuel Katz has attended several online international pandemic and medical conferences organized by us. On February 25, 2020, the Medical Promotion Association received a letter of appreciation and condolences from Dr. Manuel Katz, Chairman of the Global Pediatric Consensus Action. Dr. Katz expressed his gratitude to Fuyong Jiao, Vice President of the Shaanxi Provincial Medical Promotion Association, and others for their efforts in responding to and stopping the COVID-19 outbreak and affirmed his firm support for China's valuable experience in fighting the pandemic, which has been provided to countries around the world.


On April 16, 2020, the "International COVID-19 Experience Exchange and Kawasaki Disease Online Consultation Conference" was successfully held in Xi'an, jointly organized by Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association, Xi'an Association for Science and Technology, and Shaanxi Pediatric Internal Medicine Specialty Alliance. Chairman Manuel Katz was invited to attend this video exchange event.


On May 16, 2020, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Hospital Cooperation Alliance International Remote Seminar on pandemic response was successfully held. Hospital experts from 21 countries, including China, Israel, Australia, Pakistan, South Korea, the United States, and Italy, exchanged views on epidemic prevention and control strategies through online communication. Chairman Manuel Katz highly praised China's experience in fighting the pandemic at the conference.


On June 13, 2021, Fuyong Jiao, Vice President of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association and Chief Physician of the Children's Hospital of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital was invited for the second time as the only speaker from China to attend the Ashgabat International Science and Technology Innovation Online Conference hosted by the National Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. As the first speaker, he delivered a report titled "Children's COVID-19 and Kawasaki Disease," which was praised by international peers. Chairman Manuel Katz highly appreciated Director Fuyong Jiao's report.


On October 19, 2020, the International Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition held an online international seminar on COVID-19 prevention and control. At the invitation of Chairman Manuel Katz, Professor Fuyong Jiao, Vice President of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association and Honorary President of the Children's Hospital of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, delivered a keynote report titled "The Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Prevention of COVID-19." The Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association shared China's experience in fighting the pandemic with experts from various countries.


Actively responding to China's Belt and Road Initiative, Manuel Katz promotes China's systems and advancements to Central Asian countries along the Belt and Road. Chairman Katz points out that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a precious gift from the Chinese people to people all over the world, and the globalization of TCM is an inevitable trend in historical development. How to promote the development of TCM overseas is of great significance. Chairman Manuel Katz has been committed to promoting the establishment of good cooperative relationships between Chinese TCM and Israel, as well as Belt and Road countries. He shares TCM treatment experiences and techniques through platforms such as the European TCM Center, providing information on TCM professional medical care, healthcare systems, education, and professional levels. He promotes TCM methods, Chinese history, culture, and temporary medicine, supporting the sharing of both Western and traditional Chinese medicine. Chairman Katz promotes TCM, universities, and important figures in the scientific community to make as many people as possible aware of how to use TCM methods, training, and herbal medicine. He builds international exchange platforms for the communication and sharing of TCM information, knowledge, and education. He publishes books, interviews, magazines, videos, etc., to promote TCM.


Actively supporting and participating in the compilation of our international anti-epidemic research monograph, Manuel Katz helps us cooperate with the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Health. He coordinates and connects with the Israel Academy of Sciences to promote high-level medical exchanges between China and Israel.