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Dr. Stephen Bittmann, MD, expert in psychological research studies, pediatric specialist, World Health Organization expert consultant, and international medical advisor for " Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA)" (China).


Support the coordination of our establishment and organization of the Belt and Road Central Asia Medical and Pediatric Alliance of Central Asia; promoted medical science and cooperation between China and Germany, and actively participated in supporting the compilation of our book "International Research on Kawasaki Disease". This contribution facilitated our clinical research on Kawasaki disease and led to receiving the second-class Shaanxi Province Science and Technology Progress Award in 2019.


In 2017, he was invited to Shaanxi to conduct academic seminars, case analyses, outpatient and inpatient rounds, and collaborate on the diagnosis and treatment of difficult and complicated cases. He was also invited multiple times to give lectures on new medical knowledge at medical forums held in Shaanxi Province. These activities promoted bilateral medical science cooperation with Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital and Shenmu City Hospital, enhanced China-Israel collaboration and exchange, and improved the quality and level of medical care.


At the invitation of German Professor Stephen Bittmann, Fuyong Jiao, Vice President of SXIMEA, Chairman of the European Traditional Chinese Medicine Center in the Czech Republic, Honorary President of the Children's Hospital of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, and Chief Physician, led a delegation to visit the European Belt and Road Initiative in 2017. They were welcomed and valued by experts from Germany, Italy, Greece, and other countries. Professor Bittmann conducted extensive coordination and communication work, ensuring the smooth progress of the visiting delegation. He also assisted and initiated the successful organization of the Eurasian Pediatric Summit (2019 in Xi'an), which had a significant impact both internationally and domestically. This accomplishment brought the development of Shaanxi's medical enterprise to a new level and created a new landscape for Shaanxi's international medical exchange.


Actively supported and participated in China's epidemic prevention work, joining our organization's online international epidemic prevention and medical conferences multiple times. On April 16, 2020, the "International COVID-19 Experience Exchange and Kawasaki Disease Online Consultation Conference" was successfully held in Xi'an, jointly organized by the Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association, Xi'an Science and Technology Association, and Shaanxi Pediatric Internal Medicine Specialty Alliance. Professor Stefan Bittmann was invited to attend this video exchange event.  


On May 16, 2020, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Hospital Cooperation Alliance's international remote seminar on epidemic prevention was successfully held. Medical experts from 21 countries, including China, Israel, Germany, Australia, Pakistan, South Korea, the United States, and Italy, exchanged views on epidemic prevention and control strategies through online communication. At the conference, Professor Stephen Bittmann highly praised China's experience in epidemic prevention.


On June 13, 2021, Fuyong Jiao, Vice President of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association and Chief Physician of the Children's Hospital of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, was invited to participate in the Ashgabat International Science and Technology Innovation Online Conference, hosted by the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, for the second time as the only Chinese speaker. Fuyong Jiao was the first speaker, delivering a report titled "Children's COVID-19 and Kawasaki Disease," which received praise from international peers. Professor Stephen Bittmann highly commended Dr. Fuyong Jiao’s report.


On October 19, 2020, the International Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Transplantation, and Nutrition held an online international seminar on COVID-19 prevention and control. Professor Fuyong Jiao, Vice President of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association and Honorary President of the Children's Hospital of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, presented a conference report titled "The Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Prevention of COVID-19." The Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association shared China's experience in epidemic prevention with experts from various countries, and Professor Stephen Bittmann highly praised their efforts.


Actively responding to China's Belt and Road Initiative, Professor Stephen Bittmann promotes China's system and advancements to Central Asian countries along the Belt and Road. He has been committed to fostering good cooperative relationships between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Germany and countries along the Belt and Road. Through platforms like the European Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, he shares experiences and techniques in TCM treatments, provides information on TCM professional medical care, healthcare systems, education, and professional levels. He promotes TCM methodologies, Chinese history, culture, and temporary medicine, and supports the sharing of knowledge between Western and Chinese medicine. Professor Bittmann advocates for TCM, universities, and significant figures in the scientific community, striving to inform as many people as possible about the use of TCM methods, training, and herbal treatments. He helps build an international exchange platform for the communication and sharing of information, knowledge, and education in TCM, publishing books, interviews, magazines, and videos to promote TCM.


Actively supporting and participating in the compilation of our international anti-epidemic research monograph, Professor Bittmann assists our collaboration with Germany's Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Health. He coordinates and establishes connections for high-level medical exchanges between China and the German National Academy of Sciences.


As of May 2021, he has published approximately 120 scientific publications and books in the field of pediatrics and pediatric surgery.