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Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association’s “Training Course on New Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Suspected Pediatric Infections” was successfully held


Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association’s “Training Course on New Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Suspected Pediatric Infections” was successfully held

On July 27, 2024, the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association hosted a training workshop on "New Advances in Integrative Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Infectious Diseases" at the Ankang City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. This event also marked the establishment of the Ankang Ye's Pediatrics Academic Tradition Studio.

The training featured discussions on the experience of academic tradition studios, the application of the academic ideas of National Medical Master Yang, Zhen in pediatrics, and the integrative approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine in treating pediatric infectious diseases. Renowned experts in pediatrics shared their insights through detailed and engaging presentations, offering valuable and practical knowledge.

Attendees included Dr. Ye, Zisheng, son of the late Mr. Ye, Jinwen, inheritors of the Ankang Ye's tradition, and over 100 medical professionals from pediatric departments across various hospitals in the province. The event aimed to promote the traditional culture of TCM, encourage innovation and development in pediatrics, and enhance the overall health care for children.
