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The "Shaanxi Anti-epileptic Peers Meeting" hosted by the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA) was successfully held.


The "Shaanxi Anti-epileptic Peers Meeting" hosted by the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA) was successfully held.



On March 1, 2023, the " Shaanxi Anti-epileptic Peers Meeting " hosted by the SXIMEA was successfully held online. The conference featured academic lectures given by numerous well-known domestic experts and scholars in the field. The event was viewed 50 times.


The conference began with an opening speech by Professor Dong Wang from Xi'an Children's Hospital. The first guest speaker was Professor Lifeng Yu from the Children's Hospital affiliated to Fudan University. His topic was "Etiological Considerations of Infantile Spasms". Professor Dong Wang from Xi'an Children's Hospital served as the host for the discussion session. Jing Gan from the West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University, Yanzhao Guo from Xi'an TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Brain Disease Hospital, and Yongfei Jia from Baoji High-tech discussed the shared content. The second academic sharing session was hosted by Professor Dong Wang from Xi'an Children's Hospital. Doctor Fang Wu from Xi'an Children's Hospital was invited to share her insights.


The academic session was hosted by Professor Dong Wang from Xi'an Children's Hospital. The guest speakers were Professor Jing Gan from the West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Yanzhao Guo from Xi'an TCM Brain Disease Hospital, and Professor Yongfei Jia from Baoji High-tech. They shared on the topic "In daily diagnosis and treatment, under what circumstances will we consider combining anti-seizure medications for epilepsy patients, and how does the combination of Keppra and Vimpat perform in terms of efficacy and safety in focal epilepsy?"


The conference was concluded by Professors Dong Wang, Lifei Yu, and Jing Gan. This conference brought a comprehensive and new perspective to scientific and technical workers in the field of epilepsy, further promoted and improved the new concept of diagnosis and treatment of infantile spasms in epilepsy, and aimed to promote the development of epilepsy specialty in the northwest region, improve the professional level in the related fields of diagnosis of infantile spasms in epilepsy, help epilepsy specialists improve their diagnosis and differential diagnosis skills and levels, and jointly promote the progress and development of the field of epilepsy.