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Professor Fuyong Jiao, the Vice President of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA), has been invited to participate online in the annual conference and International Children’s Day event held in Georgia


Professor Fuyong Jiao, the Vice President of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA), has been invited to participate online in the annual conference and International Children’s Day event held in Georgia.

Professor Fuyong Jiao, the Vice President of the SXIMEA and the person in charge of the International Exchange Cooperation Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Hospital Cooperation Alliance, attended the traditional annual conference and International Children’s Day event online on May 27, 2023, held in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. This was upon the invitation of M.D. Prof. Academician-G. chakhunashvili, the Chairman of the Georgia Pediatric Society and the Chairman of the Georgia Children’s Cardiology Society at the European Science Summit.

During this annual meeting, Professor Fuyong Jiao, the Vice President of the SXIMEA, firstly wished children from both China and Georgia a healthy and happy growth on the International Children’s Day! He then gave a keynote report on the “Current Situation of Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Diseases in Children” on behalf of the delegation, which received praise from relevant experts present at the meeting. The Chairman of the Georgia conference highly praised this in a letter, stating that there is a lot of room for cooperation between China and Georgia in the field of medical cooperation and exchange. They hope to strengthen medical cooperation and international exchanges in the future to benefit human health.
