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Farewell to "Earthworm Legs" in 24 Hours! The team led by Dai, Yi, Chairman of the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Professional Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Medical Promotion Association, continues to carry out minimally invasive day su


Farewell to "Earthworm Legs" in 24 Hours! The team led by Dai, Yi, Chairman of the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Professional Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Medical Promotion Association, continues to carry out minimally invasive day surgery for varicose veins.

The term "earthworm legs" might not be unfamiliar to many, referring to the appearance of leg veins resembling twisted earthworms due to varicose veins in the lower limbs, severely affecting aesthetics. Surgical treatment remains the primary and most effective method for varicose veins in the lower limbs. However, traditional procedures like high ligation of the great saphenous vein combined with vein stripping surgery are associated with multiple incisions, significant trauma, extensive bleeding, and numerous complications. Recently, Dai Yi, Chairman of the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial International Medical Exchange Promotion Association and Director of Vascular Surgery at Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, led a team to perform local anesthesia-based endovenous radiofrequency ablation for a patient with varicose veins of several decades, solving a decades-old problem within 24 hours.

Mr. Liu had been suffering from varicose veins for decades. Recently, he noticed severe swelling and itching in his legs after work every day, prompting him to finally decide to seek treatment at the vascular surgery outpatient department of the provincial hospital. With his condition progressing to the point of requiring surgical intervention, Mr. Liu, fearing surgery, hesitated. He worried about how many days he would have to take off work after the surgery, the size of the wound, the length of recovery, the risk of recurrence, and the effectiveness of the surgery compared to conservative treatment.

After a detailed examination and patiently addressing Mr. Liu's concerns, Director Dai Yi recommended local anesthesia-based endovenous radiofrequency ablation for Mr. Liu's varicose veins. Mr. Liu happily agreed since he could walk immediately after the surgery and could be discharged the same day. Mr. Liu completed the necessary examinations in the outpatient department in advance, and on the day of admission, Director Dai Yi's team conducted a detailed preoperative Doppler ultrasound evaluation for him. The following morning, Director Dai Yi's team meticulously performed the surgery for Mr. Liu, which lasted approximately half an hour, and the patient walked out of the operating room easily. The problem that had plagued Mr. Liu for decades was resolved within 24 hours, leaving him very satisfied.

Varicose veins in the lower limbs are a common and prevalent condition. Mild symptoms may include twisted clusters of veins resembling earthworms on the skin and feelings of discomfort such as heaviness and pain. In pathological conditions, normal venous valves fail to function as one-way valves, leading to venous blood refluxing into the lower limbs, causing superficial veins in the lower limbs to gradually dilate and twist. In advanced stages, persistent leg ulcers, commonly known as "chronic venous ulcers," greatly impact the quality of life of patients.

The vascular surgery department of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital has launched day surgery for lower limb varicose veins, with 90% of patients being cured through day surgery.


What is day surgery for varicose veins?

Day surgery refers to the completion of patient admission, surgery, and discharge within one working day (24 hours).

The main advantages of day surgery for varicose veins include:

(1) Shortened hospitalization and treatment time, reducing hospitalization costs.

(2) Aesthetic results post-surgery, with no obvious surgical scars.

(3) Local anesthesia during surgery, reducing postoperative discomfort and mental burden.

(4) Rapid recovery, minimizing time off work.


How to schedule day surgery for varicose veins?

Day surgery for lower limb varicose veins is conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Appointments can be made at the vascular surgery outpatient department or by phone from Monday to Friday.

Outpatient hours: Full-day outpatient services from Monday to Sunday (Room 209, 2nd floor of the outpatient building of the Provincial People's Hospital)

Inpatient ward: Vascular Surgery Ward, 6th floor, Cardiovascular Hospital of the Provincial People's Hospital

Contact phone: 029-85253261 ext. 2580 (outpatient), 2382/3181 (inpatient)

The vascular surgery department of the provincial hospital has been deeply involved in the diagnosis and treatment of lower limb varicose vein disease for many years. In recent years, under the leadership of Director Dai Yi and Associate Chief Physician Zhang Ruipeng, the varicose vein treatment group leader, Chief Physician Wang Hui, has compared the advantages and disadvantages of various cutting-edge treatment methods, combined with the experience accumulated by our hospital over the years. Based on accurate Doppler ultrasound hemodynamic assessment of each varicose vein patient, a personalized treatment plan for varicose veins has been formulated, achieving good clinical results.


Introduction to the varicose vein professional group of the vascular surgery department of the provincial hospital:

The varicose vein professional group is mainly responsible for the personalized treatment of lower limb varicose veins: assessment of lower limb venous hemodynamics and formulation of surgical plans, comprehensive treatment of complex lower limb venous ulcers. With a focus on endovascular thermal ablation minimally invasive treatment, combined with sclerosing agent injection and modified varicose vein stripping surgery, CHIVA surgery (conservation of venous blood flow correction), comprehensive treatment of lower limb varicose veins has been achieved, effectively meeting the medical needs of varicose vein patients.