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Professor Jiao, Fuyong, Vice Chairman of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA), participated in the launch of the Chinese Kawasaki Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Children.


On January 8, 2024, the launch of the Chinese Kawasaki Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Children was held in the International Conference Hall of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital. The event was chaired by Director Tian, Yingxuan from the Academic Office of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital.


Professor Jiao, Fuyong, Vice Chairman of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association, founder of the Shaanxi Kawasaki Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Center, and Honorary Dean of the Children's Hospital at Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, presented the features and importance of the guidelines. He read the summary and key points of the guidelines. Professor Jiao highlighted that the guidelines are the result of the hard work and collective intelligence of numerous experts and colleagues nationwide. They also represent 26 years of support and guidance from Mr. Kawasaki Fuzuo to Kawasaki disease researchers and medical personnel across China, and to the Shaanxi Kawasaki Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Center.


The Contemporary Pediatrics Journal in China pointed out in a congratulatory letter that this is the first set of guidelines of its kind in the country. They provide crucial guidance and information for responding to the National Health Commission's call to reduce the incidence of cardiac events and the related mortality rate in Kawasaki disease patients, prevent sequelae of Kawasaki disease, and effectively lower the risk of cardiac events and related deaths in Kawasaki disease patients. On December 6, 2023, the guidelines were published in the Contemporary Pediatrics Journal in China and had reached a readership of 35,000.


The conference also received congratulatory messages from several esteemed experts, including Professor Du, Zhongdong from Beijing Children's Hospital affiliated with Capital Medical University, the Contemporary Pediatrics Journal in China, Professor Yang, Xiaodong from Shanghai Children's Hospital, and Professor Wang, Hong from China Medical University. These experts highly praised the significance of the guidelines.


Professor Yang, Xiaodong remarked that the publication of the guidelines serves as an excellent model for standardizing the diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki disease. It acts as a booster for primary pediatricians to enhance their diagnostic and treatment capabilities and is a blessing for all children suffering from Kawasaki disease. Professor Wang, Hong highlighted that the inclusion of the guidelines in PubMed and PHC, along with the publication of three consensus documents in the European Journal of Clinical Research Experiments, represents the pride of Chinese doctors and contributes to global medical science from Chinese pediatricians.


Professor Du, Zhongdong concluded with a poem: "With a noble heart beneath plain clothes, and the spirit of a hero with the innocence of a child. Families of Kawasaki, fret not, for the Xi'an guidelines hold the utmost truth." This eloquently underscores the significant role and meaning of the guidelines in advancing the level of diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki disease in pediatric care in China.
