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Shaanxi Medical Promotion Association Expert Team Visits Laos


Shaanxi Medical Promotion Association Expert Team Visits Laos


From May 27 to 31, 2024, a delegation of 14 people from the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association, including Honorary President Jiao, Fuyong, President Chen, Zhao, and Vice President Liu, Xizhen, visited Laos at the invitation of the President of the Laos Pediatric Society.

The delegation conducted exchanges and visits to the Laos Traditional Medicine Center, the Pediatric Society, and Mahosot Hospital. They engaged in in-depth discussions on topics such as medical talent development, scientific research, clinical techniques, and functional management. The delegation was also invited to attend the international conference organized by the Laos Pediatric Society on May 29. Honorary President Jiao, Fuyong delivered a keynote speech on "Diagnosis and Treatment of Kawasaki Disease," which received unanimous praise from attendees.

The Shaanxi Medical Promotion Association delegation was warmly welcomed and received by the Chairman of the Laos National Health and Wellness Advisory Committee, the Vice Minister of Health, the President of the Pediatric Society, and relevant departments of the Laos Traditional Medicine Research Institute. This academic exchange and visit established close ties with the Laos Children's Hospital, enhanced the medical technology levels and healthcare capabilities of both countries, and promoted mutual learning between traditional and modern medicine in China and Laos.
