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Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association Radiology Committee Annual Meeting and MRI Technology Seminar Successfully Held


Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association Radiology Committee Annual Meeting and MRI Technology Seminar Successfully Held


On June 21, 2024, the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association Radiology Committee Annual Meeting and MRI Technology Seminar was successfully held in Xi'an. Over 120 directors and key personnel from major hospitals in the province attended the meeting.

Organized by the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association and hosted by the Third Hospital of Xi'an, the conference aimed to provide a platform for experts and scholars in the radiology field across the province and the country to discuss the latest advancements and trends in MRI technology applications. The conference featured presentations from renowned experts both from within and outside the province, sharing their research achievements and experiences in the field of radiology, offering valuable learning opportunities for attendees.

The meeting also announced the release of the book “Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging—Based on Case Analysis”, reviewed by Yang, Junle, Director of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association Radiology Committee and President of the Third Hospital of Xi'an, and held a book presentation ceremony.

Notable experts and scholars in the field of medical imaging from institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, the Affiliated Hospital of Yan'an University, Xianyang Central Hospital, Shangluo Central Hospital, and Ankang People's Hospital gave specialized talks and cross-commentaries. They noted that the reports presented during the seminar were rich in content, offered fresh perspectives, and provided significant foresight and practical guidance.

The successful hosting of this conference provided a valuable platform for medical imaging professionals to exchange and learn, featuring rich content that covered both cutting-edge developments in the field and practical clinical applications, thus promoting the advancement of medical imaging in Shaanxi Province.
