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China-Mongolia-Russia Hospital Management International Forum Successfully Held in Yulin


China-Mongolia-Russia Hospital Management International Forum Successfully Held in Yulin


In June 2016, the leaders of China, Mongolia, and Russia met and signed the "Outline for the Construction of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor." Against this backdrop, the health cooperation level among the three countries has continually improved, and the cooperation foundation has been strengthened, yielding fruitful results. To implement the leaders' consensus and advance practical progress in the health sector along the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor, the China-Mongolia-Russia Hospital Management International Forum was held in Yulin, Shaanxi Province, on June 29, 2024. The forum was guided by the International Cooperation Department of the National Health Commission, organized by the China Hospital Association and the Humanistic Medicine Professional Committee of the China Medical Doctor Association, and hosted by the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, the Yulin Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, with the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association as a co-organizer.

The forum, themed "Hand in Hand, Shared Destiny," aimed to promote high-quality development of hospitals in China, Mongolia, and Russia, and to explore new ideas, methods, and paths in hospital management. The event featured three parallel sub-forums focusing on "Hospital Development Strategies and Multi-Hospital Management," "Integration of Technology and Medical Humanities," and "Medical Quality, Safety, and Hospital Operation Management." Nearly 20 medical experts from Mongolia and Russia, along with over 700 experts and scholars from countries along the Belt and Road and China, attended the conference.

International medical advisors from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Mongolia made keynote presentations at the sub-forums on topics such as children's rehabilitation programs, service quality, and internal control in medical activities. During the conference, Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association Honorary President Professor Jiao, Fuyong awarded advisory certificates to international medical experts Igor N. Khvorostov, Vladislav V. Chernikov, Kerimov Guvanch, and Alua Yerlan.
