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Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association Tumor Nutrition Professional Committee Inaugural Meeting and the First DaxingJingShu TaTME (Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision) Surgery Training Course was successfully held


Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association Tumor Nutrition Professional Committee Inaugural Meeting and the First DaxingJingShu TaTME (Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision) Surgery Training Course was successfully held


On February 25, 2023, the inaugural meeting of the SXIMEA professional committee on oncology nutrition and the first TaTME Surgery Training Course of DaxingJingShu were successfully held.


On February 25, 2023, SXIMEA hosted the inaugural meeting of the Oncology Nutrition Professional Committee and the first TaTME Surgical Training Course in DaxingJingShu. The event was graced by the presence of several domestic and provincial experts including President Zhao Chen and Secretary-General Ning Wang of the SXIMEA, Jianjun He, the Party Secretary and President of Xi'an Daxing Hospital, Professor Hanping Shi of Beijing Century Temple Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, Professor Liang Kang of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Professor Yinghua Liu of the First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, Professors Weizhong Wang, Zhaoxu Yang, Dongli Chen, Jianping Li, and Xiaohua Li of Xijing Hospital affiliated to Air Force Medical University, Professors Enxiao Li and Xuyuan Dong of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Professor Tao Wu of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Professor Lei Cai of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, and Professor Li Sun of Xi'an Red Cross Hospital. The conference adopted a combination of offline and online methods, with participation from more than 16,000 peers.


At the beginning of the conference, Jianjun He, the Party Secretary and President of Xi'an Daxing Hospital, delivered a speech. President He first extended sincere greetings and heartfelt thanks to all the experts and colleagues. He mentioned that gastroenterology surgery is a key supported and rapidly developing discipline in the hospital. Under the leadership of Director Hai Shi, the team has shown strong development momentum with the features of 'extreme minimally invasive, rapid recovery, and high-quality service'. In 2022, the department admitted 3,900 patients, performed more than 1,800 surgeries, of which nearly 1,000 were gastroenterological tumor surgeries. The live broadcasts of the surgeries were viewed more than 500,000 times nationwide. Last year, the team successfully completed a series of difficult operations such as pancreatoduodenectomy, proximal gastric double muscle flap anastomosis, and transverse colon esophageal replacement under laparoscopy. They also successfully performed the first 'ceiling-level' operation - expanded pancreatoduodenectomy with autologous small intestine transplantation. In April last year, the gastroenterology department applied for the National Oncology Nutrition Demonstration Ward and cooperated with the nutrition department to provide full-course, standardized nutritional support treatment for patients, actively promoting the research and development of oncology nutrition. The team is full of confidence in the development of the Oncology Nutrition Special Committee. In the future, under the leadership of the Association, with the full support of the hospital, and under the guidance of Director Hai Shi and various experts, the Special Committee will continue to leverage its platform and disciplinary advantages to serve doctors in oncology and nutrition departments, and lead the development of oncology nutrition in the entire Shaanxi region.

The establishment meeting of the Oncology Nutrition Professional Committee was presided over by Secretary-General Ning Wang. The meeting elected 203 committee members and 32 standing committee members. Hai Shi, the Director of Gastroenterology Surgery at Xi'an Daxing Hospital, was elected as the Chairman of the Committee. Thirteen people, including Qiong Su, the Deputy Director of the Medical Department of Xi'an Daxing Hospital, Tian Tian, the Director of the Nutrition Department, and Lifeng Shang, the Deputy Director of Gastroenterology Surgery, were elected as Deputy Chairmen of the Committee. Xin Shen, the Deputy Director of Gastroenterology Surgery, was elected as the Secretary-General, and Junwei Han was elected as the Deputy Secretary-General.


Director Hai Shi, the newly elected Chairman of the Committee, made a statement. He expressed his gratitude for the trust of his peers and the support of the leadership. He said that in the future, he will focus on the work of the Special Committee, organize all members to actively participate in a variety of academic research activities, carry out expert rounds, medical assistance, health education, and other diverse medical activities, to contribute to the health of Shaanxi!


President Zhao Chen made the closing remarks. He congratulated the establishment of the Oncology Nutrition Professional Committee and the elected chairman, vice-chairmen, standing committee members, secretary-general, and members, affirmed Director Hai Shi’s work plan, and expressed his gratitude to Xi'an Daxing Hospital, the main unit of the committee. At the same time, for the development of the committee, President Chen offered guiding suggestions.

Firstly, the Special Committee should consolidate its strength and unite the province's professional talent in oncology nutrition to make a due contribution to the medical service capabilities of the province's academic community. Secondly, carry out extensive international medical exchanges, use the platform to introduce international advanced concepts, techniques, and experiences in oncology nutrition, and improve the professional skills and service concepts of related medical workers in the province, benefiting the people of Shaanxi. Thirdly, actively participate in various social activities, expand the public's attention to disease prevention and treatment and the popularization of health knowledge through science popularization, health education, expert rounds, grassroots training, medical assistance, and other forms. Lastly, carry out the construction work of the Special Committee in a standardized manner, operate in accordance with laws and regulations, fully absorb the opinions and suggestions of experts, gather ideas, and effectively perform functions.


It is believed that under the leadership of the SXIMEA, the Oncology Nutrition Professional Committee will surely keep up with the times and build a good platform for theoretical research, clinical application, and academic exchange. They will use the achievements of modern science and technology to promote the academic advancement and innovative development of disease prevention and control in relevant fields. After the inaugural meeting, the first TaTME Surgical Training Course in DaxingJingShu was held.


The first,  nutrition special session was hosted by Professor Weizhong Wang from the First Affiliated Hospital of the Air Force Medical University (Xijing Hospital). Professor Yinghua Liu from the First Medical Center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) General Hospital  shared a presentation titled 'Health Economics Discussion on the Nutritional Management of Cancer Patients.' Professor Hanping Shi from Beijing ShiJITan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University shared 'Nutritional Treatment is the First Line Treatment for Diseases' online. Professor Xiaohua Li from Xijing Hospital shared 'The Application of Immune Nutrition in the ERAS Pathway.' Lifeng Shang, Deputy Director of Gastrointestinal Surgery at Xi'an Daxing Hospital, shared 'Exploration of Perioperative Nutritional Management in Surgery.' Questions and discussions were held by Liang Zhou, Director of General Surgery at Xi'an High-tech Hospital, and Tian Tian, Director of the Nutrition Department at Xi'an Daxing Hospital.


In the second oncology special session, Professor Dongli Chen from the First Affiliated Hospital of the Air Force Medical University (Xijing Hospital) served as the host. Professor Liang Kang from the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University shared the 'Preliminary Results of the Multi-Center TaLAR Study.' Professor Xuyuan Dong from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiao Tong University shared an 'Analysis of the Current Nutritional Status of Gastric Cancer Patients.' Xinli Chen, the head nurse of Xi'an Daxing Hospital, shared 'Perioperative Nursing Management of TaTME.' Professor Tao Wu from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiao Tong University (Xibei Hospital) held a discussion and exchange. All the experts shared a wealth of professional knowledge and clinical experience, and the scholars attending the meeting expressed that they had gained a lot.


In the third session, a live demonstration of the TaTME surgery was performed by Professor Liang Kang from the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University and Professor Hai Shi from Xi'an Daxing Hospital. During the live surgery, Professor Li Sun from Xi'an Red Cross Hospital, Professor Lei Cai from Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, Professor Ruiting Liu from Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, and Professor Xin Shen from Xi'an Daxing Hospital jointly provided offline comments.


With that, the inaugural meeting of the Oncology Nutrition Professional Committee of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association and the first DaxingJingShu TaTME Surgical Learning Class have successfully concluded!



