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The 2022 Academic Annual Meeting of the Pharmacy Special Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Medical Promotion Association (SXIMEA) was successfully held.


The 2022 Academic Annual Meeting of the Pharmacy Special Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Medical Promotion Association (SXIMEA) was successfully held.


On February 25, 2023, the 2022 Academic Annual Meeting organized by the Pharmacy Special Committee of the SXIMEA was successfully convened. The Pharmacy Special Committee summarized the work of the year 2022 and planned for future work. Meanwhile, several well-known domestic experts and scholars carried out academic discussions and exchanges focused on the intestinal microenvironment. More than 100 people attended the meeting offline.


The conference began with speeches by Zhao Chen, the president of SXIMEA, and Hongbing Zhang, the vice president of the First Hospital of Xi'an affiliated with Northwest University. Ning Wang, the vice president and secretary-general of SXIMEA, presented the awards received by the Pharmacy Special Committee in 2022. Director Shiwan Duan was recognized as the outstanding chairman of the special committee, Xiaoru Liu from Shaanxi Rehabilitation Hospital and Yuanji Wang from the First Hospital of Northwest University were recognized as advanced individuals. Shiwan Duan, the chairman of the Pharmacy Special Committee of SXIMEA, summarized the work of 2022. The Pharmacy Special Committee carried out four academic activities with different themes online and offline in response to the epidemic in 2022.  


In the academic conference part, Professor Zheng Xiaohui from the School of Life Sciences at Northwest University first presided over the session. Professor Yalin Dong from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Director Wenbin Li from the General Hospital of the Army, and Professor Lina Liu from Tangdu Hospital each explained the intestinal microenvironment and the use of intestinal microecological preparations from different perspectives. This was followed by a case sharing session. Three exciting cases related to intestinal diseases were presented by Pharmacist Li Li from Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Pharmacist Na Wang and Doctor Haitao Shi from the Second Affiliated Hospital Of Xi'an Jiao Tong University (Xibei Hospital), as well as Pharmacist Le Liang, Doctors Mingxing Zhao and Ziru Niu from the First Hospital affiliated with Northwest University. Physicians and pharmacists leveraged their professional strengths to solve relatively tricky clinical problems, showcasing their excellent work to the audience. Director Weiyi Feng from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Director Peng Zhang from Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, and Professor Jingjie Wang from Tangdu Hospital conducted academic exchanges on the topics of rational use of intestinal microenvironment preparations, DRG background microecological preparations, and intestinal flora in the plateau environment.


After the academic sharing, the conference entered the discussion session. The fascinating discussion session was hosted by Professor Haiyan Dong from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiao Tong University. Director Pingshan Lei from Weinan Central Hospital, Director Peixi Zhao from Shaanxi Provincial Cancer Hospital, and Director Zhenguo Liu from Northwest Women and Children's Hospital each expressed their views on the theme. This sparked a lively discussion among the attending guests. Topics such as how to develop and rationally use intestinal microecological preparations based on existing research results, comprehensively evaluate the distribution ratio of patient's gut microbiota, supplement probiotics in a targeted manner, and how to reasonably control drug costs under the DRG background became the focus of everyone's attention and discussion.


At the end of the meeting, Director Shiwan Duan made a summary of the conference. He emphasized that learning and pharmacy are endless pursuits. How to do a more grounded job of rational drug use and grow and gain from the work is the direction that hospital pharmacy workers should strive for in the future.
