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The 3rd International Academic Exchange Conference on the "Inheritance and Innovative Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine" - International Sub-forum on the Relationship between Indigenous Psychology and Mental Health in China was success


The 3rd International Academic Exchange Conference on the "Inheritance and Innovative Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine" - International Sub-forum on the Relationship between Indigenous Psychology and Mental Health in China was successfully held

From November 25th to 27th, sponsored by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education, hosted by Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine and Simon Fraser University in Canada, and co-hosted by the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine and the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association, the 3rd International Academic Exchange Conference on the "Inheritance and Innovative Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine" - International Sub-forum on the Relationship between Indigenous Psychology and Mental Health in China was held in the multifunctional hall of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine.

Chen, Zhenlin, Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Yang, Jie, Professor at Simon Fraser University in Canada, Gong, Xiaoyong, Vice President of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Jiao, Fuyong, Director of the International Exchange Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Hospital Cooperation Alliance and Vice President of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association, Wang, Ning, Vice President and Secretary-General of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association, attended the forum. More than 60 domestic and foreign experts and scholars in traditional Chinese medicine, key departments of hospitals, and graduate students participated in the forum, and the opening ceremony was chaired by Gong, Xiaoyong, Vice President of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine. The conference was conducted in a combined online and offline manner.

Chen, Zhenlin stated that as the only ordinary higher education institution in Shaanxi that cultivates high-quality traditional Chinese medicine talents, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine has always adhered to the principle of focusing on traditional Chinese medicine as the main discipline while also emphasizing the integration of Chinese and Western medicine. It has trained a large number of talents in traditional Chinese medicine. It is hoped that this forum will promote in-depth cooperation between China and Canada in the fields of traditional Chinese medicine medical treatment, teaching, and research, strengthen higher education and vocational training in traditional Chinese medicine, and cultivate more high-level talents in traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, actively promote international exchanges and cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine, make greater contributions to the overseas development and application of traditional Chinese medicine, and realize a new vision of benefiting human health together.

Jiao, Fuyong introduced the achievements of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association in international exchanges, especially in cooperation in the medical field of the Belt and Road Initiative in recent years. It is hoped that through this international exchange academic forum, it can actively promote research on the relationship between indigenous psychology and mental health in China, deeply explore the essence of traditional Chinese medicine culture, expand new ways of cultural exchange and dissemination of traditional Chinese medicine culture, and build a better platform for strengthening international exchanges and cooperation in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, it is hoped that both China and Canada will strengthen cooperation, continuously explore new models of exchange and cooperation, and promote the deepening and solidification of international medical cooperation in Shaanxi Province.

Wang, Ning, Vice President and Secretary-General of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association, presented an appointment letter of international consultant to Professor Yang Jie of Simon Fraser University in Canada.

After the opening ceremony, nearly 20 experts from China, the United States, Canada, Poland, South Korea, and other countries visited the Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine for a three-day academic exchange.
