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The Canadian Traditional Chinese Medicine delegation visited the 长安米氏’s Internal Medicine department at the Shaanxi Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for an exchange and tour


The Canadian Traditional Chinese Medicine delegation visited the 长安米氏’s Internal Medicine department at the Shaanxi Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for an exchange and tour.

On April 11th, at the invitation of the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA), the Canadian Traditional Chinese Medicine delegation - Professor Guangfang Yang of the Traditional Chinese Medicine department at the Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Canada, Professor Bingquan Lu, senior consultant at the University of South Dakota and special appointee of the Business School by the Canadian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and School Alliance, Milan, the president of the Australian Traditional Chinese Medicine Charity Foundation, and Yachun Zhao, a level four researcher from the Shaanxi Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, were accompanied by Zhao Chen, the president of the SXIMEA, and Ning Wang, the vice president and secretary-general, to visit and discuss at the 长安米氏Internal Medicine School in Shaanxi Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. They learnt in detail about the inheritance and development of the 长安米氏Internal Medicine School, promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine culture, construction of representative departments of the School, and special diagnostic and treatment services of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ye Li, a committee member of the Party Committee and vice president of the Shaanxi Academy of Traditional Chinese, Professor Liehan Mi, a nationally renowned Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and representative inheritor of the 长安米氏 Internal Medicine School, Yang Xiao, the main inheritor of the 长安米氏 Internal Medicine School and director of 长安米氏 Internal Medicine, and head nurse Jin Zhang, etc., participated in the exchange and discussion.    

The exchange meeting was hosted by Yang Xiao, the director of 长安米氏  Internal Medicine at the Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. Deputy Director Ye Li and Professor Liehan Mi gave speeches. The participants collectively watched the faction's promotional film “A Heart for the Party and Compassion for the People”. The noble medical ethics and superb medical skills of Mr. Boreng Mi profoundly interpreted the spirit of the faction, “Broad virtue and grand path, heal the world with steadfast practice”. Professor Liehan Mi pointed out that the 长安米氏  Internal Medicine School has been inherited for a hundred years and has trained more than 200 people over seven generations. It's a long-lasting inheritance with a long history. All inheritors uphold the purpose of “Broad virtue and grand path, heal the world with steadfast practice, revere saints and pass on the torch, serve the country and benefit the people”, and continue to commit to the development goals of “clarify the origins of the school, preserve valuable materials, refine academic thoughts, dig out unique experiences, form diagnostic and treatment standards, develop effective prescriptions, promote the application of achievements, and establish long-term mechanisms”.   

Professor Guangfang Yang from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Canada expressed high praise for the achievements made by the 长安米氏  School. Currently, Traditional Chinese Medicine schools and departments have been established one after another in Canadian public universities and other countries, and the importance given to Traditional Chinese Medicine education is deepening. After the meeting, Liehan Mi gave the international friends present at the meeting representative works of the School, “The Complete Works of Boreng Mi”, to provide more and higher-level opportunities for the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine overseas.

