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The 2023 Pediatric Academic Conference organized by the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA) ‘s Committee on Pediatric Endocrine Genetics and Metabolism was successfully held


The 2023 Pediatric Academic Conference organized by the Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA) ‘s Committee on Pediatric Endocrine Genetics and Metabolism was successfully held.

On April 23, the 2023 Pediatric Academic Conference of the SXIMEA’s Committee on Pediatric Endocrine Genetics and Metabolism was successfully held in Xi’an. The conference invited nationally renowned pediatric experts including Professor Quan Lu from Shanghai Children’s Hospital, Professor Chunxiu Gong from Beijing Children’s Hospital, and Professor Yanling Yang from Peking University First Hospital to give special lectures. A total of 120 pediatric experts and medical staff from medical institutions across the province attended the conference.

At the opening ceremony, Ning Wang, the Vice President and Secretary-General of the SXIMEA, delivered a speech. The conference chair, Xiaoli Yan, the Director of the Pediatric Endocrine Genetics and Metabolism Committee of the SXIMEA, reported on the work of 2022 and the work plan for 2023. Professor Quan Lu from Shanghai Children’s Hospital gave a lecture on “COVID-19 Influenza and Vaccines.” Professor Chunxiu Gong from the Beijing Children’s Hospital, affiliated with Capital Medical University, delivered a keynote speech on “The Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment of Precocious Puberty.” Professor Yanling Yang from Peking University First Hospital presented on “Prevention and Control of Urea Cycle Disorders.” Dong Wang from Xi’an Children’s Hospital spoke on “Diagnosis and Treatment of Anti-NMDA Encephalitis.” At the end of the academic conference, the conference chair Xiaoli Yan, Director of the Pediatric Endocrine Genetics and Metabolism Committee of SXIMEA, gave a lecture on “Diagnosis and Treatment of ACH, PWS Rare Endocrine Genetic Metabolic Diseases.”

The expert lectures during the conference were excellent, forward-looking, and clinically practical. They further improved the treatment level of common pediatric diseases and endocrine genetic metabolic diseases in our province, solved problems in clinical practice, and provided significant guidance for future work. These were unanimously praised by all participating representatives. The entire conference was lively and enthusiastic, making it a truly wonderful academic feast.
