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2023 China Simiao Sun Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Festival Exclusive Interview 1 | Professor Fuyong Jiao, Vice President of Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA): Leveraging the Resource Advantages of Simiao Sun’s


2023 China Simiao Sun Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Festival Exclusive Interview 1 | Professor Fuyong Jiao, Vice President of Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association (SXIMEA): Leveraging the Resource Advantages of Simiao Sun’s Hometown to Promote Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture to the World.

The 2023 China Simiao Sun Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Festival will be held in Tongchuan, Shaanxi from May 26th to 30th. The SXIMEA, as one of the organizers, will host the “China Simiao Sun International Traditional Chinese Medicine Forum”. They have invited Professor Biegenchi Anayev, a medical expert from Turkmenistan, to deliver the keynote speech on “The Development Prospects of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Turkmenistan”.

Professor Biegenqi’s assistant from Turkmenistan, Natalia Nagornova, Associate Professor Sentil Arenkumar, a medical expert from India, and Professor Fuyong Jiao, the Vice President of the SXIMEA and the person in charge of the International Exchange Cooperation Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Hospital Cooperation Alliance, have been invited to attend.

“The 2023 China Simiao Sun Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Festival held in Tongchuan provides an important platform for promoting Traditional Chinese Medicine culture and advancing its industry. It has pioneering significance for exploring and disseminating the history, techniques, and culture of Simiao Sun, the Medicine King. The influence of Traditional Chinese Medicine is continuously expanding in the international community, and the frequency of exchange and cooperation activities around it is also increasing. Simiao Sun, the Medicine King, is not only Tongchuan’s Simiao Sun but also China’s and the world’s. The ‘Medicine King’ culture has uniqueness in China and even the world,” said Professor Fuyong Jiao, Vice President of the SXIMEA and the person in charge of the International Exchange Cooperation Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Hospital Cooperation Alliance, in an interview.

“Good winds favor a skilled sailor, and it’s the right time to set sail,” said Fuyong Jiao. China and Central Asian countries share both geographical and medicinal connections. The China-Central Asia Summit has just concluded, and Tongchuan should take advantage of the momentum from the summit to actively liaise and communicate with entrepreneurs from Central Asian countries, connecting opportunities for cooperation. “At present, traditional Chinese medicine culture centers have been established or are in the process of being established in several Central Asian countries. If we can seize the opportunity to engage in exchanges and cooperation with Central Asian countries, use our own advantages to carry out health industry cooperation with related countries and regions, establish long-term, effective, and mutually beneficial partnerships, export Tongchuan’s traditional Chinese medicine culture and industry, and promote the international dissemination of traditional Chinese medicine culture, it will be of great significance for enhancing Tongchuan’s reputation and leading Tongchuan’s traditional Chinese medicine industry to the world,” he said.

“Promoting the culture of traditional Chinese medicine is an inescapable responsibility of Tongchuan, the hometown of the Medicine King, and it’s also the expectation of the whole society,” said Fuyong Jiao. He told reporters that Tongchuan has achieved good results in developing traditional Chinese medicine, but revitalizing it is a long and arduous process. “We need to persist in promoting the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine in Tongchuan, insist on doing practical things, seeking practical results, and constantly embodying the spirit of diligence, to promote more and better traditional Chinese medicine industry projects to take root and bear fruit. We need to strike while the iron is hot and seize the victory, speed up the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, and promote traditional Chinese medicine to the world.”

When talking about the changes in Tongchuan over the past few years, Fuyong Jiao happily said that during his recent visit, he noticed significant changes in urban planning, infrastructure construction, and improvements in the cultural environment. Tongchuan has become increasingly beautiful and developed. He said, “Tongchuan is a livable city with a profound historical culture. However, it falls short in self-promotion. It wouldn’t hurt to make great efforts in overall tourism, seizing the ‘Simiao Sun’ gold signboard and profound historical culture. Through inheritance and innovation, we can let more people understand and know Tongchuan.”

In Fuyong Jiao’s view, Tongchuan, as the hometown of the “Medicine King” Simiao Sun, has great potential for further exploration and research into traditional Chinese medicine culture and industry, with much still to be done. “Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation, and we must protect, discover, develop, and pass it on properly. At present, the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine has come at a very good time, with the right location and harmony among people. We need to make full use of the unique resources and brand resources of the ‘Medicine King’, seize the opportunities presented by the construction of the big health and wellness industry belt, make all-out efforts to create a high ground for eco-health and cultural tourism, and push the traditional Chinese medicine industry to grow stronger and advance to the world.”

